Thank you for coming to my page. Know that you are appreciated. I have been living in Brazil for the past 16 years, and loving it. This site showcases what I do here, and my experiences. Also, I am here to help anyone who might be thinking of visiting, or relocating. And, as always wishing you peace and love.
Who I Am
My name is Ahmad Amar Mansoor Ali El Bey Simmons. I grew up in Redhook projects in Brooklyn, Ny. A true Brooklyn child I did what most young black Brooklyn boys from the projects do. I ran the streets. I grew up in the Martial arts, and in after school programs such as Camp Friendship, and the Jackie Robinson Center. Also, with the influence of my father, and other great martial artist starting at a very young age. At the same time I was running the streets cutting up. My life was on a very rough road, and the dark side of that road was pulling me in. Then something amazing happened.
At the age of 17 when everything began to come to a head and I was at a crossroads where I was in danger of getting kicked out of High School and handed over to the streets some people in my high school decided to make a last ditch effort to save a group of at-risk youth. My gym teacher and my basketball coach both approached me with an ultimatum. They knew a man name Mestre (Master) Jelon Veira, master in the art of Capoeira, and bought him to the school. The Ultimatum was this: either train Capoeira in my off time, or get kicked out of School. It wasn't a hard decision. I started training Capoeira when I wasn't in class, or basketball practice and it began to change my life. I ended up graduating, which no one thought I would do. And, 2 years later I got invited to represent the US in Brazil at a Capoeira tournament under the guidance of Mestra Edna Lima. That is how my journey in Brazil began.
Social activism
My why. A project that I created as a result the efforts of those that helped the young boy become the man I am today.
Using entertainment as a form of therapy and tool to unify people here in Brazil through dance, culture, and music.
Real estate & relocation
Helping fellow foreigners like myself get acclimated, and settled here in Bahia where a peaceful existence is possible
we are awesome
What I Do
1. Social Activism: I am CEO and Founder of Guerreiros da Luz is a project that teaches youth Martial arts, art, language, meditation and culture. We believe that exposing children to new possibilities can spark hope in their lives. And, will that keep them away from crime. We want to unify groups of children from different countries and cultures with exchange programs. Guerreiros da Luz: World Peace Initiative Project outline
3. Sales manager and Chief Planner for the Negus Community endearingly called the “Black Hamptons”. An on purpose self-sustaining community located in Bahia. Negus Community
Locally, if you are interested in purchasing land, and/or property of any sort here in Salvador, Bahia-Brazil I can help guide you.
5. Local tour guide services. If you need a tour around the city to see and learn about important historic site I work with Bahia Turismo e Arte
We do Afro-Brazilian based tours and travel itineraries.
2. President of World Media Coalition Jazz Lover’s Television Network:WMCJLTV A Wordwide televison network which broadcast News, Business, Arts, and positive Culture on the telegram app, WMCTVJLTV: odysee, and the ROKU television network. Our main purpose is to give our people a platform to share important information, and positive messages amongst ourselves without being sensored.
4. CEO/President and founder of Epic Events SSA and Hip Hop Congress Brazil We put on regular events, and parties locally in Salvador that focus on bringing people together, and providing a place where other foreigners can get together and just enjoy life.
7. Capoeira classes. I am a Capoeira Professor and teach two weekly classes (Tues, and Thursday) at the Amazon Futebol association in Barra, Salvador. If you train Capoeira, or have ever been interested in trying in I’m that guy. I over a unique perspective from my almost 30 years of Capoeira. Classes are taught in both English, and Portuguese.
What I Have Done
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want to know more, or get involved?
If you are interested in supporting my efforts here. Thinking about relocating, or even just visiting please feel free to contact me.
Email: [email protected]
US Phone: 1-347-802-9067
BR Phone: +55-71-993865628
Location: Salvador, Bahia – Brazil and surrounding territories